I Pledge to Vote in the November 3rd Election!

How to Vote this Cycle 

Register to Vote - Register by OCTOBER 19th

Online form at VotesPA.com 

You can print the PA Voter Registration Application here 

Vote by Mail-in Ballot or by Absentee Voting - Apply by OCTOBER 27th, 5 PM

Find the online application at VotesPA.com 

You can print the PA Mail-In Ballot Application here

How do you complete and Return the Mail-in or Absentee Ballot?  


1) Look over your Ballot before you begin 

5) Place the "Secrecy" Envelope inside the Official Election "Declaration" Envelope 

2) Use Blue or Black Pen 

6) SEAL the "Declaration" Envelope

3) Fill in the Ovals for Your Choices 

7) On the back of the "Declaration" Envelope, SIGN the Declaration Statement with your signature

4) Place your completed Ballot in the "Secrecy" Envelope and SEAL the "Secrecy" Envelope

8) Print the Date, your name, and your address 

***IMPORTANT - If you make a mistake, call your County Election Office for a new ballot***

***Allegheny County Election Office Phone Number is (412) 350 - 4500***

RETURNING Your ballot

You can MAIL your ballot or return it IN-PERSON to your County Election Office or to Satellite Offices 

Allegheny County Elections Division 542 Forbes Avenue, Suite 604, Pittsburgh PA 15219 

***IMPORTANT - You can only return YOUR OWN BALLOT***

Visit alleghenycounty.us for the most updated BALLOT RETURN information including approved Satellite Office locations, hours, and more! 

Will you commit to voting this November?

Who's signing

Kacy McGill
David Greve
20 pledge to vote!s

Will you sign?

Showing 2 reactions

  • Kacy McGill
    signed 2020-10-02 20:02:25 -0400
  • David Greve
    signed 2020-10-02 18:48:16 -0400
    Looking forward to success in November and onward to 2021 local elections!