The People's Hearing on Paid Sick Leave for Allegheny County

Hosted by 32BJ SEIU Pennsylvania, Just Harvest, Hospital Workers Rising, PP Pennsylvania Advocates, Pittsburgh United, and Restaurant Opportunity Center of Pittsburgh 


On Tuesday April 21, 2020, Allegheny County Council considered a proposal to grant 3 - 5 paid sick days / year to most people who work in the county full-time. The COVID-19 crisis showed us why we need paid sick leave—now more than ever. It’s time for Council to pass this critical legislation.

On June 22, County Council held a committee hearing on the bill.
Workers shouldn’t have to choose between a paycheck or taking care of themselves or a loved one while ill. The public shouldn’t have to be exposed to workers who show up sick.

If County Council won’t listen to workers, we will! Join us for the People’s Hearing on Paid Sick Leave for Allegheny County at
6:30 PM on July 20.

Sign up to testify:

Learn more about the legislation:

July 20, 2020 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm

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